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Gooing Up Breakpoint Oculus Rift Racing Sketchman Edge Of Wolves Virtual Store Starberry Software Project Image Browser Master Thesis


In this section you will find the various institutes where I received my training.

HTML5 Icon Technology: Web Technology
Program: Microsoft Professional Program: Front-End Web Development
Year: 2019
Institute: Microsoft

Angular Icon Technology: Angular
Program: DEV314x: Angular Fundamentals
Year: 2018
Institute: Microsoft

Angular Icon Technology: Angular
Program: DEV315x: Advanced Angular
Year: 2018
Institute: Microsoft

Typescript Icon Technology: Typescript
Program: DEV273x: Introduction to TypeScript 2
Year: 2018
Institute: Microsoft

HTML5 Icon Technology: HTML5 & CSS3
Program: HTML5.0x: HTML5 and CSS Fundamentals
Year: 2018
Institute: W3Cx

CSS3 Icon Technology: CSS3
Program: CSS.0x: CSS Basics
Year: 2018
Institute: W3Cx

CSS3 Icon Technology: CSS3
Program: DEV218x: Advanced CSS Concepts
Year: 2018
Institute: Microsoft

Bootstrap Icon Technology: Bootstrap
Program: DEV203x: Introduction to Bootstrap - A Tutorial
Year: 2018
Institute: Microsoft

jQuery Icon Technology: jQuery
Program: DEV208x: Introduction to jQuery
Year: 2018
Institute: Microsoft

Azure Icon Technology: Azure
Program: DEV224x: Building Your Azure Skills Toolkit
Year: 2018
Institute: Microsoft

Azure Icon Technology: DevOps
Program: DEV212x: DevOps for Developers - How to Get Started
Year: 2018
Institute: Microsoft

HTML5 Icon Technology: Capstone
Program: DEV238x: Microsoft Profressional Capstone: Front-End Web Developer
Year: 2019
Institute: Microsoft

Utrecht University Icon Program: Computer Science, Specialization: Game and Media Technology
Degree: Master of Science
Years: 2013 - 2015
Institute: Utrecht University

I graduated with an average grade of 8.5 (Cum Laude - GPA: 4.0).

The focus of this program was on studying and developing games and software. Some projects I did while following this program can be found here.

In the first year of this program I followed various courses. In the second year I developed and researched different 3D virtual reality image browsers for the first 3 months. For the last 9 months I worked on my master thesis with the title 3D Object Manipulation: Mouse vs. hand gesture, their objective and subjective performance.

I followed the following courses:

- Advanced Graphics
- Computer Animation
- Computer Vision
- Game Physics
- Games and Agents
- Motion and Manipulation
- Multimedia Retrieval
- Multimodal Interaction

Utrecht University Icon Program: Computer Science, Specialization: Game Technology
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Years: 2010 - 2013
Institute: Utrecht University

I graduated with an average grade of 8.5 (Cum Laude - GPA: 4.0).

The focus of this program was on studying and developing games and software. Some projects I did while following this program can be found here.

I followed the following courses:

- Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Architecture and Networking
- Concurrency
- Data Structures
- Databases
- Designing Interactive Systems
- Functional Programming
- Game Design
- Game Programming
- Graphics
- Image Processing
- Interaction Technology
- Introductory Project
- Logic for Computers Science
- Law and Computer Science
- Modelling and System Development
- Optimization and Complexity
- Research Methods for Game Technology
- Security
- Software Project
- Three Dimensional Modelling
- Web technology

Andreas College Icon Program: Natuur & Techniek
Degree: Secondary School
Years: 2004 - 2010
Institute: Andreas College Pietergroen

When translating the program, you will get "Nature and Technology". It means that I followed courses that mainly focused on these aspect.
A few examples are: computer science, physics, chemistry and biology.

In the last year a friend and I researched how sleep patterns affected performance in various ways. In these 6 months we did various experiments and wrote a report about it.

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